1. 100學年度大學指定科目考試將從7月1號起一連三天舉行,第一批試務人員昨天(20)入闈,包括:協助審題的8位高中老師、4位試考生及工作人員,將展開10多天的闈內試務工作。今年首次開放使用冷氣試場,大考中心已經要求各考場學校,再次檢視冷氣設備,希望在考試時保持最佳狀態。
The 2011 university entrance exam will be from 1 July and it will last for three days. The first group of personnel working for the examination paper has started their work from yesterday. Among them are eight senior high school teachers, four trail test-takers and staffers. Their work will last for more than ten days. This year all the test areas/rooms will be air-conditioned. The test center already requested all schools hosting the exam to re-examine their air conditioners so these machines will be at their best conditions during the exam.
Registration for the second round of junior high school entrance exam will start from today for the individual test takers; group registration will be available from tomorrow. This exam will be held on 9 and 10 July. All the test areas/rooms will be with air-con while students can also request to take the exam in areas without air-con. When students have registered for both senior high school exams, the dispatch and recruitment procedures will be based on the choices made in the second exam.
3. 衛生署統計,99年各年齡層自殺率以65歲以上長者最高,臺北市自殺防治中心呼籲民眾多關心家中長輩的生活起居和身體問題,多多支持和陪伴,避免長輩感到孤單,或者情緒低落。
According to the statistics from the Dept. of Health, Executive Yuan, age groups among residents in Taiwan who tend to commit suicide the most are those above 65 years old. Taipei City Government Suicide Prevention Center advocates the local residents should spend more time caring about those elderly at home in terms of these elder people’s daily life and physical conditions. There should be strong support system so that the elderly would not feel lonely or depressed.
4. 行政院農業委員會,今年持續舉辦青少年和親子農業體驗營以及山林生態營,活動遍及各縣市,共有50個梯次920個名額,鼓勵青少年走入農村及森林,體驗農業,親近土地。今天(21)上午10點起,開放網路線上報名。詳情可上農委會「農民學院網」或林務局自然教育中心網站查詢。
This summer, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan has held camps at farming areas or forests and the target groups are teenagers or parents and children. There are 920 seats for 50 different programs available. The programs are island-wide and focus on encouraging the local youths to step inside the farms and forests and experience the life there. From 10 a.m. today, the on-line registration is available. Details can be found at the Council’s website.
5. 喜歡露營的民眾連墳墓也不忌諱!宜蘭縣櫻花陵園是國內目前唯一開放露營服務的墓園,今年夏天宜蘭縣政府推出「宜蘭露營季--快樂露迎夏」活動,就邀請膽大的民眾到櫻花陵園露營,和先人一起觀星。
For those who enjoy camping, going camping at the graveyard is also something they would not avoid! The Sakura Region run by the Morturary Services Office, Yilan County, has become the first place that offers such camping services. This summer, Yilan County government will promote an activity dubbed “Yilan Camping Season and Have Fun.” It aims at inviting those who are bold enough to go camping at the Sakura Region, a graveyard, and watch the stars with those deceased.
(2011-06-21 09:11:53 洪秋玉)