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1. 教育部昨天(10)舉行「99學年度學生棒球運動聯賽第2次聯合頒獎典禮」,頒發國中硬式組、國小硬式及軟式組全國賽優勝球隊前八強,其中,各組冠軍分別由高雄市五福國中、桃園縣龜山國小及新竹縣中山國小獲得,教育部次長吳財順出席頒獎,肯定選手的卓越表現。

Ministry of Education held the 2nd joint awarding ceremony for the joint baseball competition for students in academic year 99th yesterday. The top nine teams of hardball for junior high school students and hardball and softball for elementary school students were awarded. Among the prizewinners, Kaohsiung City五福Junior High School, Taoyuan County 龜山 elementary School and 新竹 County 中山 Elementary School got the first place and received the award from vice minister of Ministry of Education 吳財順.

2. 暑假快到了,根據金車教育基金會公布一項調查發現,國小學生最期待的暑假活動是親子旅遊,有七成八的孩子希望和父母出遊,也有五成七的家長已為孩子安排暑假出遊;另外,除了家族旅遊外,家長在暑假安排最多還是安親課輔班,其次是才藝班及夏令營

Summer vacation is approaching. The investigation from King Car Education Foundation says that the activity that elementary school students expect the most in summer vacation is family trip. Around seventy-eight percent of children want to go travelling with parents and fifty-seven parents have arranged trips for their children. In addition to family travel, parents would arrange after-school classes, arts classes and summer camp programs for their children.

3. 國立和美實驗學校國中部的黃傳育同學,出生不久即因病危住院,輾轉求醫雖保住了性命,但也因暫時性缺氧造成腦性麻痺,四肢僵硬、視力缺損;但傳育堅強勇敢,克服生命中的障礙,獲得2011年總統教育獎的肯定。彰化縣長卓伯源昨天(14)特別到校誇讚他是「彰化之光」,更鼓勵他繼續努力向上,迎向光明的未來。

黃傳育 who is studying in the junior high school of National 和美 Experimental School is about to die of an illness after being born to the world. Seeking for kinds of medical service, he keeps his life but gets cerebral palsy, inflexible limbs and visional injure because of temporary anoxia. However, he conquers the obstacles in his life. This year he is awarded by the President Education Award for his braveness. Magistrate of 彰化 County 卓伯源 specially goes to his schools to praise and encourage him to keep stepping forward to a bright future.

4. 美國教育測驗服務社(ETS)臺灣區代表表示,多益口說測驗今年首次和15家跨國企業合作,只要參加7月23號舉辦「大學英語口說能力聯合校園考」,就能列入「跨國企業國際人才優選名單」,有機會挑選理想的企業與職務。英語口說能力聯合校園考的報名時間到6月28號為止,歡迎各大專校院學生報名。

The reprehensive of Taiwan ETS says that the oral test in TOEIC cooperates with fifteen transnational enterprises for the first time this year. The test takers who join the joint campus exam of College English Oral Proficiency Test in July 23rd can be listed in the excellence roll of transnational enterprise talents which may help them with being employed by their dream companies. The application for the test will be due June 28th. College students are welcome to apply for it.

5. 住台中太平區的周木火,今年72歲,因為「怕別人跌倒,所以把路上的洞補起來」,30年來他持續自掏腰包買瀝青補馬路坑洞,足跡遍及大臺中大里、太平、霧峰、豐原等地,昨天(14)臺中市新高里社區關懷服務站,舉辦周木火個人紀錄片「追洞」首映會,傳遞周木火溫馨感人的故事。

周木火, a person of seventy-two years old who live in 太平 area of Taichung County, purchases asphalt to repair the roads for preventing others from getting hurt for thirty years. During the years, he have repaired roads in 大里,太平,霧峰,豐原 and other places in Taichung area. He held a grand opening presentation for his documentary yesterday which delivered his touching stories to the world.

6. 行政院青輔會舉辦「我的國外度假打工故事」文章及攝影大賽,歡迎有國外度假打工經驗的青年朋友,分享國外度假打工過程的點點滴滴。活動分為「徵文組」及「圖文組」,曾經參與過國外度假打工或對國外度假打工有興趣的青年都可以投稿,徵件日期到9月15號為止。

National Youth Commission, the Executive Yuan held an article-soliciting and photograph-taking competition. The young people who have ever experienced working holiday are welcome to share their working stories. The program is divided into two parts-article and photography group. The young people who have joined working holiday program or have interest in it can take part in the competition before September 15th.

7. 法國高中畢業會考(Baccalauréat) 將於6月16號展開,為了端正考風,法國教育部規定會考時,嚴禁考生使用手機等現代通訊設備,同時為嚴懲考試舞弊行為,作弊者將可能終生不得參加任何高等教育考試,法國教育部呼籲應考學生不要以身試法。

The joint exam for senior high school students in France will take place June 16th. To correct the fashion of taking the exam, its Ministry of Education makes a regulation which the test takers are prohibited from using cell phones or other modern information and communication equipments when the test is holding. At the same time, the violators may be unqualified by joining any examination of higher education forever. France Ministry of Education calls upon students not to defy the law by any illegal behavior.

(2011-06-15 11:31:04 洪秋玉)

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