
1. 教育部100年「公費留學考試」簡章已公告在教育部網站,供各界下載。教育部表示,今年公費留考10月8、9號將在臺灣大學舉行筆試,預計錄取135名,包含:一般公費留學112名、力學優秀學生8名、原住民10名及身障公費留學5名,8月1號起需在網路填寫報名表,詳情可利用教育部國際文教處網頁查詢。

The testing brochure for studying abroad at public expense in academic year 100th held by Ministry of Education has been announced on the website of MOE for downloading. MOE says that the written test will take place on October 8th and 9th in National Taiwan University. One hundred thirty-five test takers are expected to be enrolled including one hundred and twelve people for normal studying abroad program, eight people for excellent qualification, ten for indigenous people and five for the disable. People who are interested in it should fill out application form before August through on-line service. For more detail, please check the website of Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations.

2. 今年首次舉辦的北北基聯測,申請入學與登記分發入學管道錄取分數差異大,學生和家長質疑聯測公平性,臺北市教育局回應,各種招生管道,招收不同特色和潛質的學生,加上免試或是申請入學的報到缺額回流到北北基登記分發,導致分發名額較多,間接使得最低錄取分數因名額增加而降低。

There is a big drop of scores between application and distribution entrance qualified in the joint entrance examination for the students of Taipei and Keelung areas which is held for the first time. The students and parents question about the equality of examination. Department of Education, Taipei City Government responds that the students with different specialties and potential will be enrolled from different entrance methods. In addition to the vacancies offered from the test-free entrance and application entrance, the number of admissions provided in distribution entrance will be increased. That’s why the testing scores qualified will be lowered in distribution one.

3. 新北市文化局首次舉辦的「漫畫夏令營」,將從7月4號起到27號的每週一到週三,在新北市立圖書館淡水分館舉辦,共有4個梯次,課程將從人類基本五官、骨架學起,教導學員各種畫法、編劇、構圖等漫畫知識,最後可獨自完成一則漫畫作品。只要是新北市的小學生,都可以在24號中午12點前報名參加。

The caricature camp will be held for the first time by Cultural Affairs Bureau, New Taipei City Government from Monday to Wednesday from July 4th to 27th in the 淡水 public library of New Taipei City. Four groups will be scheduled. Learning from basic facial features and skeleton of human, the instructors will also teach the students kinds of printing methods, playwriting, composition and other knowledge of caricature. The students can even learn how to finish their own work alone finally. The elementary school students of New Taipei City can apply for the camp before 12pm June 24th.

4. 高雄市政府教育局為鼓勵青年學子從事健康的休閒活動,聯合國小、國中及高中職校規劃暑期夏令營隊,讓青年學子不論想體驗上山下海的戶外活動,或從事知性藝文、技能研習等靜態活動,總數達1672個營隊,可招收近5萬個學生參與。各校夏令營隊將自7月1日起至8月31日陸續展開,目前正受理學生報名中。

To encourage young people to engage in activities which are good for their health, Kaohsiung City Government cooperates with elementary schools , junior high schools, vocational schools and senior high schools to plan a series of summer camps. The one thousand six hundred and seventy-two camps including outdoors activities, culture and arts programs, technical researches and so on can provide about fifty thousand applications. The summer camps of each school will start working from July 1st to August 31st. The students who are interested in the camps can apply for them from now on.

5. 獲得今年總統教育獎的臺東縣寶桑國小視障學生劉育瑄,今天畢業踏出校園,雖然看不見許多人鼓勵的眼神,依然能從熱烈的掌聲中,感受到許多師長同學的祝福,面對學習的新旅程,劉育瑄充滿自信的表示,將繼續發揮音樂專長,朝作曲、演奏的夢想前進!

劉育瑄, the visually disabled who is studying in 寶桑 elementary School of Taitung County and is awarded by President Education Award this year steps outside her school after graduation. Even she cannot really see the expression of eyes with encouragement in everyone’s eyes, she can feel a great deal of wishes and blessings from the teachers and classmates. Confronting with a new learning journey, 劉育瑄 says with a plenty of confidence that she will keep developing her specialty on music and step forward to her dreams on music-composing and playing.

6. 有許多經濟弱勢的孩子,希望能夠在暑假籌措下學期的學費來減輕家庭開支。根據家扶基金會的調查,弱勢青少年打工有7成4會用於學校生活和貼補家用,並且也有8成1的弱勢青少年表示會謹慎使用打工賺來的錢。家扶基金會期盼更多的愛心企業能夠支持弱勢青少年,提供他們學以致用的工作職缺,以改善弱勢青少年的生活環境。

Many students from less-privileged families hope to lighten economic burden of their families by doing part-time job during summer vacation. The investigation of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families shows that about seventy-four percent of less-privileged students would use their earnings from part-time jobs on schooling and family expenses. And eighty-one percent of them says that they would spend their earnings very carefully. The fund expects more kind enterprises for offering more working opportunities for the students which are able to support their living environment.

7. 最新一期美國流行病學期刊(American Journal of Epidemiology)報導,如果超過10年以上都是從事久坐類型的工作,得到大腸癌的風險就比從來不曾從事靜態工作者高2倍,得到結腸癌的風險也比不曾從事靜態工作者增加了44%。

The latest American Journal of Epidemiology reports that people who are engaged in the works which need to sit for a long time a day for over ten years may have double chances of getting large intestine cancer comparing to people who have never been engaged in motionless works. Besides, they may have forty-four percent chances of being infected by colon cancer more than the later ones as well.

(2011-06-23 09:08:21 洪秋玉)

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