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1. 昨天(5)是世界環境日,「環境教育法」也正式上路。總統馬英九與行政院長吳敦義出席在新北市五股濕地的環教法上路活動,兩人一起上環境教育課程,包括聽演講、欣賞環保影片、觀察濕地泥灘與及附近的生態。

Yesterday was the World Environment Day. Locally, the environmental education law is also on its way. President Ma and Premier Wu were present at an activity for this law at the wetland in Wu Ku, New Taipei City. Both attended the related courses such as lectures, movies, and the observation of the beach connected to the wetland as well as the surrounding areas.

2. 環境教育法上路,教育部表示,未來高中職以下師生每年都要上4小時的環境教育課程,希望學校選出環境教育負責人,提出各校環境教育短、中、長程計畫,作為學校補助款參考。

As the environmental education law is on its way, the Ministry of Education expressed a four-hour educational course is mandatory for teachers working at elementary schools and high schools. The Ministry of Education encourages each school authority to elect persons in charge of environmental education. There should also be short-, mid- and long- term plans in the area of environmental education. Such will act as references for subsidies granted to every school.

3. 從民國97年起,教育部完成修法並建置「高級中等學校教師介聘資訊網」,老師不必四處奔波,只要上網蒐集資料,遞交履歷進行審查,就可以調校。這項獲得老師們肯定的作法,在最新出刊的教育部電子報,被列為主題,有深入的報導。

From 2008, the Ministry of Education has made amendment for laws regulating teachers applying for a transfer to teach at other schools. Contrary to what happened in the past, nowadays teachers do not have to travel everywhere to get a post; all they have to do is to collect information from the internet and submit the necessary documents for a transfer of their post. Generally, the new method is approved by the local teachers. The story is reported in the latest edition of e-paper from the Ministry of Education.

4. 今天(6)是端午節,新聞局即日起到6月24號舉辦「龍舟競賽,拯救屈原」網路活動。新聞局表示,這個活動是以輕鬆的方式,讓網友可以從「政府英文入口網站」,向國際人士介紹端午節。

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. From today until 24 June, there is an on-line game about saving Chu Yuan, the ancient poet who committed suicide due to the then political situation and who inspired the people to wrap rice dumplings. Created by the Government Information Office, the game aims at introducing people from the international communities to know about the Dragon Boat Festival. The locals can share this game with foreigners via the Government Information Office’s website.

5. 臺灣鐵路管理局臺中站,昨天(5)在站前廣場舉辦124週年慶祝活動,邀請鐵道達人林松雄在站前廣場鋪設軌道,表演縮小版蒸汽小火車,讓民眾免費搭乘;另外,也同步發售3000套建國百年暨臺鐵124週年紀念月臺票。

Around Taichung Station, Taiwan Railways Administration, a celebration was held yesterday at a plaza in front of the station for the Taiwan Railways Administration’s 124 anniversary. The railway expert Lin, Sung-Shung 林松雄paved a railway with miniature trains at the plaza. The local residents can take the train for free. In addition, there are 3,000 sets of “platform tickets” issued that day to commemorate the Taiwan Railways Administration’s 124 anniversary.

6. 美國9歲的男孩包巴比,具備超齡的特質,他單獨駕乘熱氣球升空,半個小時後,在新墨西哥州的湯莫市附近,成功降落,成為有史以來年紀最小的熱氣球飛行員。男童的父母也是年少時期就開始玩熱氣球,還拿過全美熱氣球競賽冠軍,爸爸締造過幾十項熱氣球的世界紀錄,未來說不定兒子會打破爸爸的紀錄。

The nine-year-old American boy Bobby Bradley is adventurous and mature enough that he traveled independently by taking a hot-air balloon for half an hour before he successfully landed near Tome, Nex Mexoco. This boy is the youngest hot-air balloon pilot ever. Bradley’s parents began to fly in hot-air balloon as teenagers, and Mr. Bradley had won championship in an American hot-air balloon contest. Mr. Bradley also broke dozens of records. In the future, perhaps the young Bobby Bradley will break his father’s outstanding records.

(2011-06-06 10:53:35 洪秋玉)

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不管狀似爬行的螞蟻或是鳴叫的秋蟬都栩栩如生,李永謨以不要的樹皮、樹根所創作,每次展出都讓參觀者嘖嘖稱奇。(請配合本社社稿CAP029號,敬請採用。)中央社記者陳朝福攝 100年6月6日

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