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1. 教育部今天(20)將在國立臺灣藝術大學舉辦「藝術生活成果發表暨展示會」,內容包括動態影音、影片配音、攝影作品等展出,以及邀請臺北市立萬芳高中老師蕭文文,分享如何應用群體合作的方式,讓高中老師在平日課堂上,呈現藝術生活的多元樣貌。

The Ministry of Education will hold an exhibition in relation to art and life at National Taiwan University of Arts. The exhibition will include the audio-visual, music for films and photographs. Xiao, Wein-wein, (蕭文文) a teacher working at Wanfang High School, is invited to talk about how the model of group work can enable the high school teachers to display various forms of art and life in their classes.

2. 教育部舉辦「建國百年‧百年好合—見證百組同名學校締結姊妹校」活動,希望同名學校締結為姐妹校後,能共享資源,共同成長,其中,高雄市愛國國小及南投縣愛國國小已經締結為姐妹校,長達10之久,每年也舉辦參訪與經驗交流等活動,這個故事在最新出刊的教育部電子報,有深入的報導。

The sister school program initiated by the Ministry of Education emphasizes on schools with the same names to make alliance and become sister schools so that they can share their resources while growing together. Among the current sister schools, Ai-guo Elementary Schools in Kaohsiung city and Nantou county have become sister schools for ten years. Annually, these two schools will hold activities aiming at visiting each other and form exchanges of experiences. This story is reported in the latest edition of e-paper from the Ministry of Education.

3. 坊間有許多家教中心,臺北市勞工局提醒大眾,家教中心的收費有相關規定,例如登記費及介紹費,不可以超過求職者第一個月薪資的5%,就業諮詢費每小時不得超過1千元,家教中心如果向求職者收取較高的費用,將會受罰。

As there are many private tutor agencies in Taiwan, Department of Labor, Taipei City Government wishes to remind the general public that there are certain regulations about the fees charged by these agencies. For example, fees related to registration and connection cannot exceed 5% of the job seekers’ monthly salary. On the other hand, the consulting service cannot exceed 1,000 NTD per hour. When the tutor agencies ask job applicants for higher fees, they will unavoidably face penalties.

4. 統計顯示,去年全臺灣家庭暴力事件超過十萬件,為了呼籲民眾正視暴力對孩童的影響,勵馨基金會與臺中家暴中心昨天(19)在臺中市豐樂公園舉辦「看見微笑.看見愛」親子活動,出席來賓都別上紫絲帶,對國際反暴力運動,表示關懷。

Statistically, there were more than 100,000 cases of domestic violence in Taiwan last year. To advocate the general public to face how violence can influence the children, the Garden of Hope Foundation and the domestic violence center in Taichung held a parent-children activity, dubbed, “Witness the Smiles and Love” at Fong-le (豐樂) Park yesterday. All the guests presented were wearing purple ribbons to voice their concerns towards movements against violence in the international community.

5. 一張張愛國獎券、經典電影海報和電影放映機,勾起人們懷舊的回憶。國立臺灣科學教育館推出特展,透過上述以及像是早期的計程車計費表等收藏品,人們可以重溫50到70年代的生活。這場特展展出時間,到10月10號為止。

The local people would remember the old times when they see the old-fashioned lottery called Ai-Kuo (愛國) lottery, posters for classical movies as well as movie projectors. At National Taiwan Education Center, an exhibition with collections, such as the above-mentioned and early mile meters on the taxi, will enable the local residents observe Taiwan in the 1950s to 1970s. The exhibition is good until 10 Oct.

6. 法國巴黎第七大學最近提倡「職場兩性平權計畫」,期望促進校園內兩性工作及晉升平等權。校長包凡斯表示,學校裡的女性助理教授比率為41.5%,但是正教授比率卻只有19.9%,顯示女性的晉升機會明顯比男性低;這項職場兩性平權計畫,已得到法國高等教育部的支持。

Paris Diderot Univeristy has recently announced a new plan which stresses the equal right for both men and women in their working environment at the university campus. Specifically, the equal rights in both genders’ profession and promotion are promoted. Principal of the university, Vincent Berger, expressed for the associate professors, 41.5% are female; the percentage is merely 19.9% in the area of professors. This shows it is harder for the associate professors to be promoted. The entire plan is now supported by the Ministry of Education in France.

(2011-06-20 11:38:59 洪秋玉)

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CAFE RACING,在歐洲本來就是行之有年的文化,騎士們喜歡在咖啡館談論騎車經驗,這個場地,剛好滿足重機騎士們的需求。


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